Wednesday, July 23, 2014

GAFE in the classroom

GAFE is a newly implemented tool that my school has begun using to increase communication, collaboration and scheduling.  Below are some examples of how we have used it in the past...

1) Schedules for room usage.  We have limited rooms available for sensory needs, seclusion/restraint, pull-out instruction and pull-out for testing so it is essential that we stay organized and well planned.  GAFE has allowed us the convenience of collaborating and communicating when we need certain rooms without sitting down and having a formal face-to-face meeting to discuss this.

2) School wide academic schedule.  The school can all have access and input over the summer to make suggestions and catch errors in the schedule.  The comment tab on the bottom was created to open up dialogue and everyone's voice can be heard. 

3) Team meeting minutes.  Each team can have everyone's full attention and only one person recording notes.  Everyone has access to view the notes at any time.  It has made communication with service providers great because they often have other meetings occurring at the same time so this allows everyone to be on the same page.

4) Long range plans-  These are shared with all grade levels and administration.  During the long range planning multiple people can be adding in information and dates.  We have found it best to divide and conquer. 

Now our goal for this upcoming school year will be to get students involved in using GAFE for project based learning and collaborating.

EDCAMP video on GAFE... click here

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